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Kensington Garden Club
Est. 1955
Member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut - Member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Kensington Garden Club Mission
Organized in 1955, the club operates exclusively on a nonprofit basis for charitable and educational purposes, and for the well-being of the community and public benefit. The Club promotes civic beauty, encourages improvement of public spaces, raises awareness of environmental concerns and advances the art of floral design and horticulture.
We accomplish the club's mission through the active involvement of our members and the community's support of our fundraisers.
Free Programs
We offer programs of interest
related to our mission
Civic Activities
We help create beautiful gardens in and around Berlin
We support town constituents and accept donations
We are pleased to announce our newly installed Board of Directors 7/2023-7/2025

Left to right; President Elaine Matulis, VP Carol Courtney, Director Peggy LaJoie,
Treasurer Diane Roncaioli, Donna DeSimone and Recording Secretary Carol Welz
Missing from the picture is VP Cindy McKinnon
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